Case Western Reserve University

Welcome To NSBE @ CWRU
We are a Region 4 Chapter that is dedicated to promoting professionalism; supporting and retaining minorities in STEM fields; excelling in community oureach and enhancing chapter-wide networking.

Recent NSBE Programs and Events

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Intro Q&A Panel


Ariel McWhorter
Ariel is an alum of CWRU's NSBE chapter and its former president. During her term, she has spearheaded multiple events such as the NSBE Shark Tank and Think Tank. Under her leadership, the general body of CWRU's NSBE gained more members and the connection between other black organizations on campus grew. Ariel was an important part of not only NSBE, but of the entire black CWRU community. Everything that she has done for us helped us to move further and achieve more. While we are saddened by her departure this May, we are also equally happy and excited for the new adventure she is embarking on. Good luck to you as you navigate your way through the professional world!